Sunday, November 8, 2009

Blessed and Highly Favored

This morning I visited Bethany Baptist Church. I heard a message that must have been prepared just for me. The guest Pastor, Pastor Sybert from Tennessee preached on one of the patriarchs of our faith, Joseph.

Joseph had been mistreated by several individuals including his own flesh and blood. The mistreatment didn't stop there, it continued as the result of others who became jealous or angry because Joseph could not be manipulated. Joseph was a person of integrity. He stood on his beliefs and principles.

The reality that the guest Pastor brought out was shared in at least three points.

1. As children of God we are all blessed. God has given each of us, special gifts and talents.
2.What is for us, is for us. Others may not like it, but it is ours and ours alone.
3. We have to go through some bad times inorder to get to our blessing, yet good and still we are blessed!

These words were encouraging. Especially since earlier I decided to activate and share this blog. This message especially hit home because I had briefly visited another church this morning but left when I found out the pastor wasn't preaching, so I left because I wanted to hear the pastor preaching only to end up at a church across town who also had a guest preacher. Initially I thought about attending Bethany but decided I was leaving too late to get there on time so I decided to go to a church that was closer.

At any rate I received the word that was intended for me to receive. That word is simply, I'm blessed and highly favored! I receive it. Iwill act on it. I will live it!

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