“Hope in the midst of present realities”
Faith the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen… -Hebrews: 11:1
Faith is paramount. In the midst of the reality of tough times hope has to be exercised. Hope and faith are tied together. I have preached many sermons on hope, faith, belief and transformed minds and spirits. I have watched and prayed with many to overcome surmountable odds. I have seen God move in the lives of so many people. I have even sought to be the answer to someone else’s prayer.
Yet on my turn when things aren’t going exactly as I would have them, when some parts of my life are difficult, when it is time to apply the faith that I’ve taught and preached, I must ask myself, “Do I believe in the faith that I’ve preached?”I have come to understand that God is faithful. God does work in ways that I don’t understand. I have learned personally that God may not come when we want him to, however God always comes on time.
I am guilty of worrying and doubting despite the fact that God has continually made a way for me. When I focus on the good, when I focus on my fickle likes, I must admit that God is good and God has and is providing. I have learned that struggles tests your character and can pull the worst or the best out of you.
I have learned that every day I wake up I have a choice, a choice as to whether to focus on the good or to focus on the bad. I have firsthand experience that focusing on the bad attracts bad. Focusing on good attracts good. There is a colloquialism which proclaims “it’s all good.” This proclamation is true and is in fact biblical. After God created the world, God stated, “It is good.” –Genesis 1:31
Faith is paramount in a marriage. I am blessed to have a cheerleader, friend, companion and partner, in a wife. My lover truly loves me and seeks to comfort and challenge my soul. In order to weather the storms of life a husband and wife must apply faith. They must have the resolve and determination to continue to journey through life together and not let the realities of life tear them apart. They must continue to find ways to nurture and grow their love. They must hold on to hope. Greta is and has been my inspiration because she practices the principles upon which we agreed to be the foundation for our relationship and marriage.
We’ve learned that marriage could be a spiritual practice. This was the area we wanted to gain the most intimacy. Thus we decided to make our marriage our most important spiritual practice. We treat it as a sacrament, “a means of grace.” As a result we have been blessed abundantly. We have gained the closeness we experienced when we first met and began dating. This allows us to accentuate the positive in each other and it allows us to make continuous love deposits and decrease withdrawals.
We know that our marriage is sacred and is a reflection of our faith. The way we respond to each other and proceed in life together has become a demonstration of our faith. For us to decide to journey through life together is ultimately an act of faith. We intentionally seek to be more intimate as we uncover more about ourselves and each other. It allows us to celebrate each other and our love.
It has propelled us in our quest to share what we learned with others as we share principles that authentically work for us. Another aspect of our practice is meditating and speaking words of promise, commitment and affirmation to each other through mantras.
By using a daily mantra, we motivate ourselves and each other by reminding ourselves to apply Love, Trust, Forgiveness, Compassion, Kindness, Generosity, Mutual Respect, Empathy, Acceptance, and Gratitude. These are principles which we practice as we grow our love and continue on our journey to ONEness.
Our experience bears witness to the power of Love. We will continue to share it with others in hopes of changing the world one relationship at a time by accentuating the positive and sharing with others these principles and practices which are deeply spiritual and based in biblical and life truths.
We seek to bless as we are blessed. We pray the same for you and yours.
Rev. Dr. Gary A. Williams
Copyright 2011 Gary A. Williams. All Rights Reserved. No part of this website may be reproduced, distributed, performed publicly, displayed, or made into a derivative work without the permission of Gary A. Williams.
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