Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I Sit and Wonder

Weekly Thoughts
Rev. Dr. Gary A. Williams™

April 27, 2010

Recently, I began working with young people again. As I interact with them on a daily basis, I have an opportunity to talk and listen. I have an opportunity to teach and learn.

I have become more aware that we are living in the time of a new youth culture. They are faster and more advanced in many areas than we were when we were their age. They have access to more information and the ability to get it quicker. They are technologically advanced. They text, chat, e-mail and twitter effectively. Yet they are still developing.

They have grown-up problems with only the ability to process their emotions from a child’s perspective. They don’t have the emotional strength or have the emotional experience to process the adult decisions that they often make. They need guidance and help. Yet they do not like to be told what to do, how little changes as one ages.

However, young people do appreciate being shown and having adults model desired behavior. If one doesn’t establish an authentic relationship wherein personhood is respected and shared one looses the ability to be the type of adult influence that our children so desperately needs. When children don’t have positive adult influences in their lives they become bitter and/or incorrigible adults. Perhaps you’ve met one or two. As I reflected on the following scripture, the Poem below arose from my spirit.

“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart.” -Proverbs 22:6

I sit and wonder

I sit and wonder
What is up?
What has my generation been up to?

How have we made this world a better place?
For my sons, grandchildren and great grandchildren

Though I have yet to have grandchildren
I wonder how will they navigate though life

Have I instilled values that will make them humane respectful
Loving and kind

Will they have the tools to make it in life without harming their fellow human?
Will they be sexist?
Will they fall for the ism that seek to restrain and define them?
Those things that seek to confine their spirits

Or will they be free and live free
Not out of defiance but because I and my beloved partner have impressed
Upon them the truth
The truth that they are free
They have choices and that they have the right and the ability to make choices
To live by their choices and to thrive because of their choices
Not someone else’s but their own
According to their skills, passions and abilities

My desire is for my children and offspring is for them to know without reservation or interference that free spirits cannot be contained.

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