Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sex In The Morning Show with Gary A. & Greta

It has been long awaited and an uphill journey as Greta and I set out to help improve marriages. We simply wanted to create a more marriage positive environment in our corner of influence. We wanted to help people who wanted to help themselves and we wanted to improve bad marriages and relationships and we wanted to help make good marriages better.

Because we wanted to work together as we both fulfilled our personal mission, “to help somebody as we travel along,” we decided to do it through a new vehicle, Sensuous Seminars, LLC. We did not expect such opposition to our desire to offer a different perspective. Having experienced growth individually and collectively in our marriage we have faced and worked through many challenges. We have been willing to be honest about our experience in order to help others.

What we have gone through has pressed us closer together. It has also been a laboratory for us to apply the values, tactics and beliefs to which we subscribed. It has allowed me to grow up and see the reality of the pain that so many of my brothers and sisters live with daily.

As in all things, we can choose to be a victim or an active participant who can use our personal power to determine outcomes. Marriage is a wonderful institution. Husbands and wives can enjoy it and have the time of their life because of it if they choose to do so. “Sex In The Morning with Gary A. and Greta” shares effective tools that married couples can employ to improve their marriage.

We share tools that help us enjoy, pleasure, fun and adventure in our marriage. It is one of our life’s passions. You can check out our promo on You Tube, Facebook, my blog, Gary’s Sensuous Talks at www.sensuousgarya.blogspot.com or Greta’s at www.SensuoussexyGreta.com

Help us get the job done. Let’s change society, let’s fill it will love by changing one marriage at a time. As always we solicit participation. Please tell a friend about our work. Now have a Sensuous Day! This is the beginning…

Yours truly,
Gary A.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Faith and Freedom

I have discovered that “Faith and Freedom” are ingredients for a fresh and exciting relationship. Lately Greta and I have been talking about faith and freedom. It is wonderful to have a life partner with whom I can discuss and debate the heavier issues of life, and not take differences of opinion personal. In fact our differences add flavor and brings out the best in each of us.

After we jumped out of a plane Greta began to sing, “Freedom, Freedom, Freedom.” She reported that she felt free. These words and this sentiment hold a permanent place in my memory.

As I think back on my time in the air, prior to, during and after jumping out of an airplane, I can say that I did experience freedom. It was challenging and required a lot of spiritual effort but I did experience freedom in a real, impacting and maturing way.

I had let go, I truly had to depend upon God and upon those that God had placed behind the scenes for such a time as that. You see I had to place trust in the driver that took us to the airfield and jump site. I had to trust the pilot, the maintenance person of the aircraft, the air traffic controller, and the instructor who I had just met (who had told me that parachuting gave him the substance he needed to stop doing drugs). He told me that and I still jumped out of a plane with him strapped to my back! Most of all I had to trust the person who had packed the parachute.

Many of the people I depended upon in this moment of adventure, I had never met. Nor will I ever meet. Yet, I depended upon them. It was freeing to know that God had allowed them to perform in such a way that I would be “safe” jumping out of an airplane. This dependency upon God was “freeing.” I was free of self-judgment and independence. I was free of trying to control and determine outcome. My abilities and responsibilities were limited yet I experienced “Freedom” as I never had. I applied faith as never before

All I could do was what I was instructed to do with enthusiasm and accuracy, the rest was left up to others. I had to trust that God was able to control the factors that I could not. I am pleased to be able to write at this moment and say that, I am grateful that God controlled all of the forces that affected my well being.

My letting go and letting God was relieving and revealing. Revealing in that in letting go, I was relieved of any performance anxiety and fear. This freed my thinking and my spirit while bringing relief to my body. All I did was follow the instructions.

As I was falling through the air, the view was breath taking as I could see the elliptical shape of the earth. When I first jumped it was very cold however in a matter of seconds the temperature raised. As we turned and flipped and moved from side to side and the wind blew, how big and minuscule I felt at the same time. I recalled that God had God’s eye on me. God knew how many hairs were upon my head. God knew that I had just jumped out of a flight worthy airplane. Most importantly God had God’s eye on me at that moment. I had really applied faith, and it felt wonderful.

Since this experience I have been trying to figure out how to apply faith in other areas. “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength,” has long been my motto. I have called upon this spiritual knowledge for years. However this time it took on more meaning, God had preserved my life as I had pushed my personal envelope regarding adventure.

Greta and I love adventure. We love to be adventurous and this is one of the many ways we keep our relationship fresh and exciting. It is also one of the ways we stretch our faith. New experiences and the desire to experience new places, things, people and activities keep us living in expectancy while savoring each moment.

“Faith and Freedom” is being applied as we share our lives with other couples and strengthen marriages. Good marriages produce good children; good citizens and more fully balanced spiritual offspring. This is how Greta and I live. This is how we contribute to the world. This is how we fulfill our destiny. We live in freedom and faith and we thank God for the awareness and enlightenment!

In Freedom and Faithfulness …

-Rev. Dr. Gary A. Williams