Faith is important in marriage. To be married one must have faith in themselves and in their partner. I believe that God puts those who are to be married together. God allows those spirits which are compatible to draw to each other.
Paul instructs that marriage is ordained by God. Jesus blessed a marriage with his presence and by performing a miracle. He turned water into wine. He helped to make sure that it was a celebrated joyous occasion.
Marriage unites and binds two independent souls together in marriage. Two make vows to work at becoming one. Two agree to trust each other, honor and respect each other as they face the challenges of life together. Two agree to fidelity. They agree only to have sex with each other. They will hold their relationship in special reverence. Greta and I treat our marriage as a spiritual practice.
We put spiritual practices in place within our marriage. We see our behavior in our marriage as an extenton of our faith in God. How we treat each other has a direct correlation of our faith in God. We don't believe that we can love God without loving each other. We can't adequately serve God without serving each other. Consequently we use our relationship with God to be what we are to be in marriage.
We understand that we cannot divorce or separate God from ourselves or our marriage. We understand God to be in the midst of our marriage. God ordained it and is involved in every detail, yes every detail including sex. When we came to this revelation we acquired our freedom.
Scales dropped off our eyes, shackles dropped off our feet and arms. Guilt was erased and we began a journey of spiritual love. This new understanding blesses us tremendously and it helps us to see each other's spirit. It helps us to look past the physical and all of the demands that normal life requires.
It gives us permission to set aside time to loose ourselves totally in each other as we are intent on communing on a spiritual level. Our lovemaking has become a vehicle for our spirits to connect as we share pleasure. We give and receive pleasure we share pleasure and can't distinguish whose it is, or from whom it originated. Truly a spiritual experience as we celebrate the love that drew us together and the love we nurture on a moment to moment basis.